I highly recommend to begin keeping your own personal dream journal. Whether you have important or interesting dreams, a dream causes you to wake up at night or you suddenly recall a dream due to an association in the daytime, write it down. Record the dreams in as much detail as possible, so that at a later point in time you will be able to remember its significance, including your thoughts and feelings related to this particular dream. The better your recollection, the easier – and oftentimes more precise – your understanding of the dream message will be.
Furthermore, it is very helpful to take notes of your associations to known dream elements and the amplifications (please refer to the rubrics Associations and Amplifications), herewith compiling your own personal list of symbols. But please beware that the same symbols in different dreams may not all have the same meanings. It always depends on the context and the current associations, which can change rapidly.
Most dreams speak in the language of symbols. Symbols are allegories which can be worked out and translated into our every day language. When their meanings make sense to us, this understanding will allow the effects to unfold. It is neither possible to memorise nor find the meanings of symbols in any books. Symbols are always to be understood according to each individual dream and to the dreamer’s personal connection with this symbol and then worked out by working together with the dreamer. Symbols have various meanings that can relate to one’s personal life situation. A good dream work is when the dreamer feels a sense of enlightment.
Most symbols are ambivalent, i.e. they have multiple meanings. The art lies in finding the connection between the current dream and the dreamer’s personal life situation, respectively, translating them into our everyday language. If you manage to succeed and the interpretation makes sense, then the dream is correctly analyzed. You may now begin the task of applying this information in a useful way.
With the help of associations, it is possible to recognize the symbols meanings according to each individual’s personal situation. Associations are word links that the dreamer assigns to the symbols of a dream from his own personal point of view. When asked, „What comes to mind regarding this dream element?” his response is spontaneous and honest and the symbol is put into a personal context by this reply.
The same symbol often has different meanings to different people, depending on what the individual’s association is to it. For some, a thunderstorm in the middle of the night is a fascinating and cleansing occurrence, for others it causes a great deal of fear and worries. In dream imagery, associations to one’s own important personal symbols are established by means of intensive interrogation and then compiled as a reference guide.
Amplifications are an accumulation of dream symbols which are determined by both the dreamer as well as the dream analyst. With the use of amplifications, we can help the dreamer recognize and interpret the meaning of symbols unknown to him, i.e. symbols which he is not personally associated to. The question we ask is, “What does this symbol mean to you, what does it mean in general?”
Mythology, with all its myths, sagas and fairy tales is often of key importance for the amplifications. It helps reveal the meaning of a symbol in the context of our society. But also the personally known meaning of a symbol and the characteristic role of the symbol contribute to understanding the connection it has to this specific dream.
Most dreams are comprised of four different stages similar to that of a drama: The exposition, the development, the culmination and the lysis.
The first stage of the dream (if there is one) introduces the topic. It is therefore essential to do a good job working out the first stage very accurately. We will then know what the dream is expressing and recognize the emergence of the plot. To decipher the plot is to reach an important point: We now know what the dream is all about, what the main topic is. This simplifies the deciphering of additional symbols as it is now apparent which role they play.
The dream formation is the dream’s course of events regarding what happens and how it happens. It portrays the dreamer’s situation in regard to the topic of the dream. The dream formation explains to us how things occur, how we behave and what our thoughts, attitudes and emotions are regarding these events. The peak is usually a culmination of the occurrences, a sudden twist or turn, leap or change of course. This peak or turn of events depicts the consequences of our behavior resp. our thoughts, or indicates what happens when changed. The end phase of the dream gives us the solution or result of the depicted behavior or attitudes. This is how the story ends. These can or will be the consequences if our behavior and attitudes occur as portrayed in the dream. Not all dreams contain all stages. Sometimes the topic is missing, the dream may begin in the middle of an event, there may be no peak and often there is no solution but we are only shown the course of our psychological mechanisms without a solution.
There are four different types of dreams and they each refer to different aspects of reality. We differentiate between objective level dreams, subjective level dreams, typical dreams and archetypal dreams. Prophetic dreams and nightmares require special mention.
The external world is the world of matter, where we experience things with our senses. The objective level dreams refer to external events which can be specifically worked out. They can also be prophetic dreams or warnings that if we continue to behave in this manner, a certain event may occur in the external world or they may be showing us a future event in order for us to prepare ourselves. Warning dreams give us the possibility to change our behavior or attitude in order to determine our future and not be a victim of destiny.
The world of consciousness reflects our internal life with all its information stored in our consciousness. Our whole life’s story, all our memories – whether positive or negative – injuries, traumatic incidents, wishes, images, unfulfilled desires, our objectives and principals, all this information is part of our consciousness and has a large influence on our daily life. Not seldom do unresolved experiences disturb our relationships and even cause personal blockages. Even former principles which no longer apply today may affect us years later, if not disposed of.
In the subjective level dreams, the contents of our consciousness is reflected to us symbolically which continue to influence our whole lives. It often makes sense to resolve traumas in order to stop their inhibiting influence and allow us to live more freely. Dreams reflect the things that bother us and also which issues in our consciousness support our archetypal development.
Typical dreams show us our specific personality traits. If we were to look at ourselves from an objective point of view, we would see ourselves in an unadorned manner, how we truly are with our typical characteristics. One would say, “Typical me, that’s exactly how I am”.
Typical dreams make us look at ourselves in the mirror and show us an honest, non-judgmental image of our behavior, attitude and thinking. We decide for ourselves what conclusions can be made from these dreams. The dream is only a reflection and in that sense gives you the opportunity to reflect.
Archetypes are the creative power that comes from within, giving us structure, direction and motivation. The archetypes steer our internal and external development during the various seasons of our lives, e.g. how we develop in regard to sexuality during puberty and to wisdom as we age. They orchestrate the physical as well as emotional and mental steps that a person takes or rather should take in life. If we learn to fully understand the archetypes that reside within and lead our lives in harmony with their spirit, we may then become true to the essence in which we were created: In the image of God. Archetypes are images of divine origin which allow the human soul to unfold from within.
Archetypal dreams show us our archetypes and their current stage of development. With the help of archetypal dreams we may recognize important aspects of our dispositions, our level of development, possible obstacles and blockages and future possibilities. They often resemble fairy tales and can be considered as being your own personal fairy tales. Fairy tales actually have a collective validity and portray valid laws of life and growth in symbolic form.
Objective level dreams convey messages from past, present or future events or incidents. The dreamer can use this as an opportunity to acknowledge the information given in the dream and is therefore better prepared to deal with neglected issues. Objective level dreams address real-life events, such as an accident or a death of a loved-one, where traumatic memories have been repressed. The dream may request that you look at and deal with matters, so that the unconscious emotions do not disturb your daily life or even cause blockages.
Objective level dreams which refer to the present may, e.g., shine an objective, eye-opening light on a current relationship between two people. This enables the dreamer to become more conscious of the situation, encourage him/her to let go of illusions and get a clear picture of how to continue and improve the relationship.
Objective level dreams which refer to the future are called prophetic dreams. They predict events that could or will occur in the future. It is not necessarily an unchangeable certainty, but may be an indication that these events will occur if one continues to behave in the same manner. It is in our power to change or prevent many things from happening, or at least minimize or diminish the effects. The dream’s prediction allows us to prepare for difficult times, such as losing a job, so that we are not overwhelmed by possible adverse conditions or situations.
Nightmares are dreams that often cause great emotional strain. They are very disturbing and may preoccupy us over a long period of time. It is neither easy to ignore them nor to suppress them. In fact, they should not be ignored or suppressed, as nightmares reflect either a troublesome psychological condition or an adverse situation in our life which is similar to the nightmare. Their purpose is to help us identify the problem and act accordingly to find solutions.
People often think that the nightmares themselves are the actual problem and if they only stopped occurring, everything would be all right. But nightmares mirror one’s mental health and indicate that there are urgent issues to be looked at. When we find answers to what is unconsciously causing these troubled minds, the nightmares will disappear. Although nightmares are quite an ordeal, we can appreciate them as an aid for emotional healing.
Correct and precise dream work is a high art, a skill which requires education and training. It has nothing to do with simply looking the symbols up in books or on the internet. Professional dream work is based on deep knowledge of the human nature. With this knowledge plus experience, the dream symbols are analyzed and worked out according to the dreamer’s current life situation using the laws of symbolism. The procedure results in a clear understanding of the symbols’ meanings and what their connections are to everyday life.
When dreams are correctly worked out, one touches the dreamer deep in his soul, bringing important insights about life and life’s experiences. Dreams convey deep wisdom of ourselves regarding our current situations, our thoughts, our feelings and about our desires and visions. Working on your dreams helps you to better understand yourself and, as a result, to be your true self.
When dreams are correctly worked out, the dreamer often feels very touched, maybe even shaken. Strong feelings, as if a nerve has been struck, indicate that the message is correct. But what happens afterwards? Then we must begin working with the message, i.e. how and where to utilize this newly exposed information. It may be an indication to change our attitudes, our false beliefs or principles, question our moral standards, heal emotional pain, forgive or ask for forgiveness, let go of blame, learn to be true to ourselves e.g. confess a secret love, improve our neglected relationship with God, recognize our archetypes, or whatever topic comes up in our dream. Dream work is only the first step. We must now use these insights to resolve life’s everyday problems, recognizing gratefully that our dreams are of great assistance.
When the dream’s message is not only understood but also practised in the reality of everyday life, then the dream has served its purpose.
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